Do I believe in UFO’s, and my idea of a perfect Sunday

On August 27th, The Daily Post question is: Do you believe in UFO’s? If yes, why do you think others do not? If no, why do you think others do?

Honestly, I don’t know. There isn’t enough (credible) evidence of them being spotted in Earth’s skies for me to say that I think they do, yet I feel like I can’t 100% dismiss the possibility that something is out there. Who knows, maybe there have been UFO’s that have visited Earth. I think for now I’ll remain skeptical.


On August 28th, The Daily Post challenge is to: Describe the perfect Sunday. What is the best Sunday you’ve ever had? What is the best possible second half of a weekend you can ever imagine having? Who would you spend time with? Where would you be? What would you do?

My idea of a perfect Sunday is one spent doing something fun with my relatives, or friends. Either that or a good session spent at the gym, or going for a hike around the mountain, or even a jog around the block. I could see myself doing a lot of writing as well.

The best Sunday I’ve had… I can’t think of a specific experience, but it was probably one spent with relatives or friends. I’ve spent most of my Sundays having to go to church until this year, so there was never many opportunities to get much done during the day.

Best possible second half of my week would be to have little to no homework from my high school. Normally, I always make an effort to spend as much time as possible with the people who I don’t normally get to see, like my friends from other schools or my boyfriend. Long jogs and visits to the gym are the perfect way to end the day. I’d like to go with other people more often.



Back to the daily grind, making up words, & thoughts on lying.

School has started up again, and I’ve finally found time to write a blog post. My plan was to write a post a day, but realistically, that’s been next to impossible. Over the summer I’ve been on vacation, and unable to use a computer. I attempted to write a post on my iPod at some point, but scrapped that idea after I had some trouble getting WordPress to even work. So, for now, I’ll be catching up on The Daily Post challenges that I’ve missed.

On August 25th, 2011, The Daily Post challenge is to make up a word, and its definition.

The word I came up with was schröcat, which means, “a cat that appears dead, but is alive.”.

Fuzzy is always sitting like this.

The first part of the word, “Schrö”, comes from the paradox known as Schrödinger’s cat, which describes a scenario where a cat is either alive or dead, depending on an earlier random event. And the last part of the word, “cat“, is pretty self-explanatory.

So there you have it.


On August 26th, 2011, The Daily Post question is… When is it ok to lie? To strangers? To friends? To family? To yourself?          

This question is a hard one to answer. It’s very open-ended, and general. Depending on the situation, I think it may be okay to lie. Or, maybe not. For strangers, a lot of people, myself included, tend to bend the truth more often than we care to realize. For me, it’s mostly when I want to make what I’m saying more unique, so I ‘change it up’. I try to not do this if there’s a chance I may get to know them better, avoiding any of those awkward ‘um-you-didn’t-really-do-that-did-you?’ situations, but sometimes it’s so hard. For the most part, I think they’re harmless, maybe even a little entertaining. No harm in stirring up a little interest, right?   

I find it a bit harder to lie to friends. They know me, and any lie told is risking losing their trust, or making you look like an idiot. The only time I really lie is to embellish some details from time to time, or omitting something that they don’t need to know. To me, secrets are important. I never feel the need to share something with someone “just because.” I find that often you’ll regret it later. I’m not the type to lie to spare a friend’s feelings, but I won’t tell you what I really think freely.

My immediate family are the ones I find it difficult to tell the truth to. Growing up, saying what was on my mind, or how I really felt about something almost always went wrong. I’d end up upsetting them, or getting into shit over something unimportant. I guess now I find it difficult to communicate honestly with my family because of that. Their inability to talk things out in a mature way, and stay reasonable about some subjects doesn’t help either. I do lie to them quite often, and don’t intend to change that, seeing as the truth rarely benefits me. It’s sad, but they have lost the right to my trust and honesty.

I’ll catch up on more challenges and questions in future posts!



Thinking about nothing.

Today’s The Daily Post challenge: try to think about nothing. What happens?

I’m entertained fairly easily, but I need constant entertainment if I want to stay happy. When I tried to empty my mind from all thoughts, and think about nothing, I found myself thinking about an old meditation technique. Breathe in blue, breath out red. Point is, that’s not thinking about nothing, that is still something. The more I try to clear my mind completely, the more my imagination kicks into overdrive.

It almosts feels impossible for me to think of nothing. I’m much happier letting myself wander around whichever thought comes my way without any resistance…



Almost everyday, I go jogging around a mountain, to this gorgeous view. It makes all my effort absolutely worth it. My iPod took this photo, hence the horrid quality. I was able to “fix it up” a smidge using Photoshop.

Much better.

Even if this place is a desert, the hills get pretty green in the in the summer, and the sky always turns really beautiful during sunset. It was very, very windy on the mountain, which probably didn’t help the blur with the iPod trying to fly out of my hands.

Ciao,                                                                                                                                             Shavonne

Six Word Story.

Today’s The Daily Post challenge is to write a story in six letters.

Clever girl, disregarding a bitter reality. 

Sounds almost… poetic? Somehow, it reminds me of a haiku, my favorite kind of poetry.


On another note, over the summer I have lost 7.3 lbs! For comparison, here’s a photo:


It’s insane that the pic shows 7 pounds of meat! Harder still to think I’ve lost that much, just by changing my eating habits and doing a bit more exercise. The MyNetDiary app has helped majorly as well.

The photo is from another blog, you can view it by clicking the photo.

