Thinking about nothing.

Today’s The Daily Post challenge: try to think about nothing. What happens?

I’m entertained fairly easily, but I need constant entertainment if I want to stay happy. When I tried to empty my mind from all thoughts, and think about nothing, I found myself thinking about an old meditation technique. Breathe in blue, breath out red. Point is, that’s not thinking about nothing, that is still something. The more I try to clear my mind completely, the more my imagination kicks into overdrive.

It almosts feels impossible for me to think of nothing. I’m much happier letting myself wander around whichever thought comes my way without any resistance…



Almost everyday, I go jogging around a mountain, to this gorgeous view. It makes all my effort absolutely worth it. My iPod took this photo, hence the horrid quality. I was able to “fix it up” a smidge using Photoshop.

Much better.

Even if this place is a desert, the hills get pretty green in the in the summer, and the sky always turns really beautiful during sunset. It was very, very windy on the mountain, which probably didn’t help the blur with the iPod trying to fly out of my hands.

Ciao,                                                                                                                                             Shavonne

July Memories

Final image.

For the first part of July, I traveled with my family to La Loche, Saskatchewan. Under the porch at the house we were staying at, my brother and I found an adorable litter of puppies. The puppies’ mother barely acknowledged their presence. The puppy in the picture above was the weakest of the litter, and my favorite. He was an absolute sweetheart. His personality really began to show at the end of our stay.

My brother took the shot above. The first image is the original, and the second is the one I’ve touched up. I took out the reddish tint, and then evened out my skin tone, and smoothed my skin. Finally I touched up the eyebrows subtlety. It’s so cute how we got the photo at the exact moment the puppy decided to yawn.


Touched up.


Here I am combing the beach for shells at Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. The day was overcast, windy, and not so warm. I’m hoping August brings nicer weather for Canada.

The first shot again had a slight red tinge, so I removed that. I also evened out my hair, slimmed down my shirt, and tucked in the sides of my shorts that were slightly sticking out. I then finished off with the location in the top right corner.

As always, click on the photos to see the full, much more clear version. More photos and edits coming soon!



Listen To Your Heart.

Learning the piano for the song, Listen To Your Heart, by D.H.T. A beautiful song, I remember listening to it on the radio when I was little. And it’s fairly easy to play. Should be fun to learn.

On another note, check out the song Fast Lane by Bad Meets Evil (Eminem and Royce Da 5″9). I am in love with it, can’t wait for their album, “Hell: The Sequel” to drop on June 14, 2011. What Eminem album isn’t crammed with phenomenal hip-hop?

I am also still planning on making a video tutorial on editing people in Photoshop. I think first I’ll focus on one about making layer masks, since that was the most difficult part of Photoshop for me to get a grip on.

On a completely different note, I have had problems with my sinuses for months now, and finally got time to book a doctor’s appointment.

Upon seeing the doctor, I found out I have post-nasal drip, or PND. PND is commonly caused by allergies, and gives tickle in the back of my throat. Or on days that it’s worse, a feeling that my throat is swollen. It usually leads to other things, like constant tiredness and throat infections. Which explains why I’ve had a few run-ins now with strep throat. So I went out and got some x-rays and blood tests done. I loathe needles. It’s funny how it works really. It’s not the actual needle that’s the scary part, but the fact that they make me faint is. Even the idea of fainting is enough to make me faint sometimes. I feel like I’ve went through a lot of effort just for all of this. The ironic part is that I used to laugh at people who seemed to complain about their allergies. Looks like the joke is on me now.

Finally I got another appointment booked for June 2. Hurrah! What a breakthrough! Right? Wrong. Just found out my parent cancelled the appointment. Okay… I’m feeling like their first priority is not my health.

So frustrating.

On top of that, the cute guy that lives right by me, that I chat with quite often on the city bus, just told me he likes men.

Ciao,                                                                                                                                             Shavonne